Monday 23 April 2012

Poachers 90p bitter.

Way back when I was skinny and had hair on my head and not on my arse I used to frequent one of the dodgiest boozers known to man.  This pub in question is now a rather nice hotel , shame on them.  The toilets in this place used to flood at high tide, strange when you consider it was at least 100 metres from the sea.  In fact you were never quite sure if it was salt water on the floor, urine or a cocktail of both.  Strangely the carpet used to stick to you feet like velcro as you popped to the bar.  As I was under age at the time the trip to the pub was always a thing of wonder and adventure and as I was a sixth former my funds were somewhat limited to the arse end of the bar.  In this case this was "Poacher bitter" which cost a whopping 90p, you have to put this in context and consider that your average pint was around £2.50 at the time.  This was weak as hell, but I felt like a big boy as I supped what seemed like a glorious dark brown liquid.  On reflection the stuff tasted like burnt crisps, but bunking off during "recreational activities" it seemed to be me like to be the very nectar of the gods.  One occasion I had 5 of the damn things and nearly fell over on the way home to look sober and eat dinner with my parents. So yes my boozing began early and yes it has been an escape from the otherwise bland lower middle class existence I  trotted through then and the massively crap existence afterwards. So in summary , if you ever come across a retro bottle of Poacher, for gods sake sling it!

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